Friday, January 15

blog award

so i was lookin at jasna's blog and found that she gave me this award.. thanks dear! here's my list of answers..

Give thanks to whom it gives you -
JASNA!!, SALAMAT!! (that's filipino for thank you!)

Name and an author you love - Nicholas Sparks (haha! i don't read books! aack!)

If applicable, name an author who highlights - since i don't read books, i have no idea what this means.. anyone knows?

Books you love - fashion, coffee table illustrations, children's books!

Something that always excites you - fashion, friends, music, food! :D

Something you hate - tardiness

Pass it on to 7 blogs

1. Transient Withdrawal

2. Kwentong Marathon

3. Mon-o-chro-ma-chic

4. Candy Kawaii Lover

5. Jennifhsieh

6. What if no one's watching?

7. Lack of Creativity


comment and come back next post. you might be comment of the day!

i'd love to hear from you!


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